When it comes to buying a safe, it’s essential to choose a high-quality safe that meets your specific needs. A safe is an investment in the security of your home and your peace of mind. However, not all safes are created equal, and not all companies that sell safes are trustworthy. In this article, we’ll discuss things to avoid when buying a safe and how to identify poor quality safes and companies.

Things to Avoid When Buying a Safe

  1. Thin or Lightweight Materials: A safe made from thin or lightweight materials is easy to break into. Avoid safes that look flimsy or fragile.
  2. Poor Quality Locking Mechanisms: A safe with a simple lock that can be easily picked or pried open is not secure. Avoid safes with weak locking mechanisms.
  3. No Fire Protection: A safe that offers no protection against fire is not worth the investment. Avoid safes that don’t have a fire rating or that are made from flammable materials.
  4. No Water Protection: A safe that isn’t waterproof won’t protect your valuables in the event of a flood or water damage. Avoid safes that don’t have a waterproof rating.
  5. Small Size: A safe that is too small won’t be able to accommodate all of your valuables. Avoid safes that are too small for your needs.
  6. Shady Companies: Be wary of companies that make unrealistic claims or offer prices that seem too good to be true. Always do your research and choose a reputable company that has a track record of selling high-quality safes.

Questions to Ask When Buying a Safe

  1. What Type of Materials is the Safe Made from? A high-quality safe should be made from sturdy, durable materials that can withstand attacks from thieves and natural disasters.
  2. What Type of Locking Mechanism Does the Safe Have? A high-quality safe should have a reliable, tamper-proof lock that is difficult to pick or pry open. Electronic locks, biometric locks, and dual locking systems are all good options to consider.
  3. What is the Fire Rating of the Safe? A high-quality home safe should offer protection against fire. Look for safes with a fire rating of at least one hour. This means that the safe can withstand temperatures of up to 1700 degrees Fahrenheit for at least one hour without damaging the contents inside.
  4. Is the Safe Waterproof? Water damage can be just as devastating as fire damage. Look for safes with a waterproof rating. This means that the safe can withstand being submerged in water for a certain period of time without allowing any water inside.
  5. How Large is the Safe? Consider the size and quantity of items you need to store in the safe before making your purchase. You want a safe that is large enough to accommodate all of your valuables, but not so large that it becomes an easy target for thieves.
  6. What is the Reputation of the Company? Always do your research and choose a reputable company that has a track record of selling high-quality safes. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the company’s reputation.


When buying a safe, it’s essential to choose a high-quality safe that meets your specific needs and to avoid safes and companies that don’t meet your standards. Always consider the size, security features, fire rating, water protection, and price of the safe before making a purchase. Ask the right questions and do your research to ensure you find the best safe for your needs from a reputable company. With the right high-quality home safe, you can rest assured that your valuables are protected against theft, fire, and water damage.